Apps Control
Provides out-of-box access control security such as IP Restriction, Geo Location Restriction, Time Restriction and Browser Restriction.IT can now enforce access control on multiple cloud applications through a single console.
Phishing have become a major problem for enterprises. We provided out-of-box solution for anti-phishing which prohibits un-authorized users to access the login page based on country and IP.
Multi Factor authentication
SSO provides comprehensive capabilities to manage password policies within the organization. It also provides ability to evaluate password strength score for was user using standard password strength technique.
Password Policy
One of the strongest features of SSO is to enforce a strong password policy for google application for work users.
Self Password
With SSO, the admin can easily use the self password policy to enable the employees to reset their password by themselves.
Enterprise Mobility
With SSO, IT can provide role based access to various application through single sign on and leverage enteprise mobility feature to enforce various access control policies on its BYOD users. Both ios and android platforms are supported.
SSO Report Generation feature gives you the ability to highlight the weak security links and analyze them effectively.
Alert tab can be selected from the dashboard below the branding tab. On clicking this tab, a new page with Add Alert button appears. As you click on it, a new window with heading Alerts opens up.
Google Workspace
SSO for Google Workspace or Single Sign on for Google Workspace provides out-of-box access control security such as IP Restriction, Geo Location Restriction, Time Restriction and Browser Restriction.IT can now enforce access control on multiple cloud applications through a single console with Single Sign-on (SSO) for Gsuite.
Phishing has become a major problem for enterprises. As a GSuite Reseller We are providing an out-of-box solution SSO for GSuite for anti-phishing which prohibits unauthorized users to access the login page based on country and IP.
SSO for GSuite provides comprehensive capabilities to manage password policies within the organization. Single Sign-on also provides the ability to evaluate password strength score for the user using standard password strength technique.
One of the strongest features of SSO for GSuite s to enforce a strong password policy for google
applications for work users.
With SSO for Google Workspace, the admin can easily use the self password
policy to enable the employees to reset their password by themselves.
With SSO for Google Workspace, IT can provide role based access to various applications through single sign on and leverage enterprise mobility features to enforce various access control policies on its BYOD users. In Single Sign on (SSO), Both ios and android platforms are supported.
SSO for Google Workspace Report Generation feature gives you the ability to highlight the weak security links and analyze them effectively.
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